Monday, June 28, 2010

I've been meaning to write...........

BUT, I've been busy. I was stuck in NY (litteraly) until tuesday of last week. Our car broke down 2 x and now we have 2 new cars. They are both subarus. The 2010 outback and the 2010 Legacy. They are fine. will get us where we need to go. I have been wanting to make a movie with my video camera but it is hard with one person and they are always dumb ideas. Oh well. Me and pad are watching Hoodwinked I was introduced to it by my guidance teacher, Mr. Martin, about different perspectives. It is a great movie. Tomorrow we are going to the mall. Yipee! I have a gift card to use. My summer is going good so far. i am just glad Im not at school. Isn't everybody?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Yahoo! School is out! Well, actually there are 1 and 1/2 days left, so its really close. And most likely by the time you read this I will be out. I can't wait. I look forward to going to Miami, and Buffalo, where I can see my cousin, Carolyn. We just talked on the phone last weekend for like an hour and a half. It was really nice. I feel so left out with the buffalo crew, it's nice to know what is going on. This past weeken I was at my friends house for 2 nights because my mom and dad went to their reunion. Coll, I hope you had fun. Anyway, while I was there, we saw Marmaduke, about the great dane. It was really cute, but it was like anyother movie about dogs. This morning I am going to perform a play, with half of my class. It is called The frog prince and the princess brat. I am the brat. Haha. Time for me to get ready for school. Bye!