Monday, June 28, 2010

I've been meaning to write...........

BUT, I've been busy. I was stuck in NY (litteraly) until tuesday of last week. Our car broke down 2 x and now we have 2 new cars. They are both subarus. The 2010 outback and the 2010 Legacy. They are fine. will get us where we need to go. I have been wanting to make a movie with my video camera but it is hard with one person and they are always dumb ideas. Oh well. Me and pad are watching Hoodwinked I was introduced to it by my guidance teacher, Mr. Martin, about different perspectives. It is a great movie. Tomorrow we are going to the mall. Yipee! I have a gift card to use. My summer is going good so far. i am just glad Im not at school. Isn't everybody?

1 comment:

Coll said...

Set your flip camera on a table and film yourself for the movie. Just because you are only one person doesn't mean you cannot accomplish things..... And missy.. do not call your ideas dumb. Imagine if Benjamin Franklin thought that when he put the key on the kite string.. then we wouldn't have electricity. Let someone else be the judge on whether the ideas are dumb or not. I bet you a million dollars that no one else would thing they are. xoxoxo