Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Traveling- The Mangan Style

Yes everyone knows the way us Mangans travel,right? No? Well we always have bad luck when traveling. Last year, a volcano errupted days before we were supposed yo go to ireland. Plus we were delayed amd almost missed our flight to Dublin. This time, we did miss our flight. We were delayed in VT and our plane left lots later than it was supposed to, and just as we ran to the shuttle, our plane had left. So we are staying here in Philly ad maybe today we will go see the city because our flight doesnt leave until 6:30 or so. Sigh. We can just say we added a city to our travel.

1 comment:

Coll said...

Oh no! I hope you catch today's flight. Have fun in Philly. Keep me posted on your whereabouts.